Risk-Return Profiles
Independent Financial Advisor
Model portfolios are designed to help financial advisors address the complexities of alternatives in portfolios. By combining multiple strategies across alternative asset classes into a single, objectives-oriented portfolio, model portfolios can streamline how advisors consider private markets and hedge fund strategies.
Risk-Return Profiles
Asset Classes
Accreditation Levels
Minimum Investments
Tax Reporting
Fund Structures
The CAIS Advisors team can work with your firm to tailor alts model portfolios to your clients' objectives, based on your own capital market assumptions as well as your preferred risk-return profiles, fund structures, accreditation levels, and more.
In addition to working with CAIS Advisors to design your own portfolios with the products available on the CAIS Marketplace, CAIS can work with your firm to onboard existing or third-party model portfolios to leverage our platform’s model portfolio technology framework and trade capabilities.
Model portfolios can be a gateway into the end-to-end alternative investment trade experience on the CAIS platform. By integrating your model portfolios into our platform’s trade workflows, you can implement alternative multi-strategy portfolios across accounts more efficiently.
Gain market insights and improve your alternative investment knowledge through articles, videos, and other educational resources from the CAIS team.